Jun 16, 2008

A Tribute...

...Nah, not really! My husband never reads our blog. I mean NEVER! The only time he had ever even seen it is if I make him look at a picture that he hasn't seen. Regardless, he is a wonderful father and we had a great time honoring him yesterday. Max gave his daddy a backback carrier for "hefty" children. In fact, my father, who was in town for the weekend, misread the brand Kelty Kids as "Hefty" Kids!!! We have a backpack carrier, but it is getting old and Max really IS pushing the limit on the weight. In fact, now there is only about 2-3 pounds difference between Max an Kinsey! Kinsey gave Jack and ball and glove (the infamous "stolen" baseball) and I made Jack a video montage that I will post soon. We decided to pack aa picnic lunch and take the new backpack carrier out for a new test-drive. Papadad also got to fly his airplane for a few runs until the wind picked up. Jack's parents came over for supper and brought a yummy homemade strawberry cake. After cleanup, we all enjoyed our last evening with our little three-year old!

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