Jun 25, 2008

Summer Days

When we are in town, our summer days are all pretty much the same. Wake up (earlier than I prefer), eat and play, nap, pool, eat and nap (soap operas for mom), eat and then sometimes pool again. It's a routine that I've come to fall in love with. Now every day is a little different. Where do we want to swim today? Our neighborhood pool, friends' pools, sommunity pools--it's never the same. And of course who do we swim with? Is it just a quiet morning with the three of us or a toddler-packed playdate? I wouldn't change it if I could. It may seem boring to some, and granted if my summertime extended beyond the two short months that I have off, it may be different, but for what I have, it's perfect.

Last night, we enjoyed an "adult" evening with friends at our fav restaurant/bar to watch the Bulldogs disappoint a crowded and rowdy patio of fans. And as good as an idea as it sounded like at the time, I now know in retrospect that it is NOT in my best interests to consume a lot of alcohol late at night before I have 5:30 AM Bootcamp in the morning. I was so weak and dehydrated, but it was amazing to feel the impact that alcohol has on your body like that.

This morning we were lucky and got to go to our friend Angie's pool. Actually it is her in-laws, but regardless, it is beautiful. Set on about a 10-20 acre farm, the family decided to incorporate the barn in with the pool deck. It is the most peaceful place. Speaking of peace, I FOUND SOME WITH MAX!!! The little booger is a bit of a handful in the pool. He loves the water like his sister does, but does not want to be still and thinks he can swim on his on. He also loves to run around the pool deck along the edge of the pool and scare me to death. But, I found the amazing "swim sweater" and Target and the boy transformed into a content little whale. I wish I had a picture of his big tummy hanging out below the inner tube! It took a bit for him to get used to the idea, but after he did, he just ended up floating and kicking his little chubby self around the pool. GO SWIM SWEATER!

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