Jun 14, 2008

"Not Four Yet"

This is the statement that we have been waking up to for the last three days. We have one more day to hear it and I am so sad!

Yesterday, my parents came in town for the long weekend to help celebrate Kinsey's 4th birthday. We went to our fav seafood restaurant and enjoyed buckets o' beer and a little music on the patio. This morning, just like every other birthday party morning in our family, the focus was the birthday cake. Jack and my dad spent a few hours baking, designing this year's cake (actually there were two) for her party at the ice cream parlor this evening. It was yet another work of art. I swear, they need to go into business making cakes. After my sister and her family got to town and we played a while, we all went to the burger joint for supper before the party. The party was great--certainly sugar-filled, but fun. The kids did great decorating cookies and eating cake and ice cream. I personally had to end my night with a little run to curb the guilt from the calorie-fest I had today. Doubt it helped much.

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