Aug 16, 2008

Missing Life

OK, it's official...I'm bored silly. It has been one week (almost) since I've been sick and all I've done is eat, sleep, and watch Olympics. Granted I have been very lucky that it has been one of the most exciting weeks in Olympics ever. If I'd been stuck watching high jump, biking and shot put, I think I would've just gone ahead and thrown in the towel. Micheal Phelps IS Superman. I just had to say it.

I've really missed Boot Camp this week, too. I'm going to take another week off before trying to start back next week, though. I hope I can do it. I'm especially bummed because I was supposed to race in my first 5K in several months tonight and I won't be able to. Tonight is the big race that the high school puts on and Kinsey always competes in the kids races. She IS the reining champion I might add. She had told me she wanted to try the mile this year, but I just don't think it's in my best interests to run and I can't send her on her on just yet. So, we are going to try to go and at least let Kinsey race tonight if she's wants to and if I'm up to it. We'll see.

Here's a picture from my 5:30 Bootcamp class taken a few weeks ago. That's me on the front right, next to super-camper, Ali.

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