Aug 20, 2008

Holy SIT!

This story has made me laugh all day...

So I picked Max up from his school today. Everyday that I pick him up, I feel so good about our decision to put him in "public school" (aka daycare). He really seems to love his teachers, friends and toys. He has been going for about 3 weeks and in this time, we have received 3 accident reports. One time he fell climbing on the furniture, one time he ran into a wall (proud mom moment here) and another time he was bitten.

Today, his sweet teacher met me at the door with a very worried look on her face. She reported to me that Max was "involved in an accident". I could see my little guy running up behind her so I knew the damage was slight and I wasn't very concerned. She went on the tell me that he had again been bitten. After careful observation, I noted no skin had been broken, so once more, I assured her that I was not upset. I went on to ask if he deserved it and they told me that the incident was ALMOST unprovoked but that Max was NOT at fault. OK, great, I thought. I told the teacher it was not a big deal and I felt confident that I would be getting the BITER report one day soon and we will have to deal with role reversal. The teacher looked at the assistant and laughed. She said, "Oh no, Max doesn't bite" and I responded that I'm sure he will one day. Her response--"Oh no, I mean, Max doesn't bite--he SITS!" My puzzled face led her to clarify. When Max gets angry, he sits on the other child. The teachers have gone so far as to warn the other children if they happen to be picking on Max to "watch out, he might sit on you!"

Oh well, I guess sit happens!

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