May 11, 2008


Yesterday, our dear friend Todd graduated from Georgia and we were honored to be invited to the ceremony. So after I finished running my 2nd 5K (yea!) Kinsey and I went to the UGA football stadium to see him. Clarence Thomas was the keynote speaker and halfway through his speech, Kinsey started saying "this is boring" and decided she wanted to go home. She WAS a pretty good judge of speakers, though (sorry if I offend anyone, it was just a very lengthy and monotone speech). Anyway, she was a trooper and held out until the very end and to see her run up to Todd and give him a huge hug was worth the wait!

Here's a picture of Kinsey with Jessica, our nanny, also Todd's fiance.

Later in the day, we drove up to Lake Keowee to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom, dad, grandmother and aunt and uncle. We had two fabulous meals and one swim in the hottub in the rain. Kinsey's wish came true, though, because she got to stay with her Nanny and Papadad while Jack, Max and I came home to finish laundry and get ready for the coming week. Oh yeah, and a little of Superboy flying around in his size 4T Underoos!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there. It's the best job on Earth!

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