Oct 20, 2008

It's MONDAY!!!

This is how our morning started. Can you believe this hair!!! But really, it was a great day. My proudest moment was this...

Kinsey taking her very first SOLO ride on a HORSE! I still can't believe it. Today was her fifth riding lesson and on the way to the ranch, I told her we had five more lessons until our annual trip to Clear Creek Dude Ranch in North Carolina. She told me she wanted to ride alone, so I told her that she would need to talk to her intructor, Cowboy Phil. He took the lead line off Miss Rosie and the whole lesson was done on her own. She was truly amazing! After riding, we ate supper and put on the Halloween costumes for Say Boo to Drugs at the Civic Center--an extra shot at some candy and another opportunity to get some use out of the costumes. Right when we walked in, my little devil was awarded one of the four finalist positions as "Cutest Costume". Sadly, I report that he lost to a pink poodle. Kinsey got her picture with Hairy Dawg and Max's favorite was the fire truck. Oh yeah, this was what Kinsey was doing (color-coding her candy) while I was unloading the car...

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