Oct 15, 2008

Fall "Break"

What a busy week it has been--but loving every minute of it (well, almost). Last weekend was our fall break and Kinsey was lucky enough to get to go to Nanny and Papadad's house for the long weekend. Thursday afternoon, was my friend, Tammy's birthday party where a bunch of us ladies went to a bar and played trivia. Friday morning, I let Max go to his school for a few hours while I went to Commerce with my good pal Melissa and we did some serious shopping (no children's clothing at all--wow!) That afternoon, Max, Jack and I went to the pumpkin patch for a festival that a local church was sponsoring (pictures coming soon). Max's fav was the hayride. Saturday was game day (woof woof) and we tailgated all day with yet a different group of friends. We tried something new by asking everyone who came to our tailgate to bring their favorite frozen drink recipe. Jack is really enjoying his blender and his new generator that my parents gave him for Christmas last year. Sunday morning, I rolled out of bed before the sun to go run 8 miles with my running group. Which leads me to my big announcement...I just officially registered for my first ever HALF MARATHON in four weeks. I have been thinking about doing this for several weeks now (ever since I recovered from the meningitis) but have been chicken about actually signing up and spending the money). Since I made Sunday's 8-mile run with no issues, I figured I could probably do five more, so I have committed!!! Yikes! Sunday afternoon, Max and I drove to Lake Keowee to spend the night with my parents and get Kinsey. We took the kids to the park, walked the dog and taught my children a great new pasttime on Papadad's new birthday present, which we so discreetly call the "Money Game". As you can see from the pictures, I am going to have my hands full with both of them in 18 and 20 years. Today, Kinsey had riding lessons with Rosie again and Cubbies at church. The next two days are conference days for me. Kinsey also has her first preschool conference tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, I'll have great news from her teachers to report. Then at least ONE of my kids will be getting good notes sent home. Ah, but that is a whole other story... :)

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