Oct 29, 2008

Clam Chowdah and Hah-ved

Congratulations to my cousin Pete and his beautiful bride Kara. They got married this past weekend in Boston. Despite a very delayed plane leaving ATL, I ended up having a wonderful trip to the city on the beautiful Charles River. My first highlight (other than NOT being woken up by my children on a Saturday morning) was that I ran a 10-mile loop from our hotel to Harvard campus. Unfortunately, I must have been running too fast for any intellectual osmosis to take place! :) I was proud one, because this was my first long run on my own, and two, because I did not take a water or an energy break (mostly because I was too lazy to carry water and had forgotten to bring my power jelly beans). I digress. My crazy-long run was followed by what seemed like a 40 mile walking tour of the city (probably more like 3) with my parents and my cousin Alex and his tour-guide wife Anna. We walked through Boston Garden, Boston Common, and my personal favorite was walking the Freedom Trail where we saw the graves of Paul Revere, Mother Goose, and Sam Adams to name a few (obviously NOT listed in order of importance here). After our hike, we went back to the hotel to catch the first quarter of the AWESOME Georgia game (who am I kidding--I was "that person" at the wedding and reception who followed the game play-by-play thanks to modern cell phone technology). A lovely dinner, dancing and post-party trip to the hotel bar wrapped up the evening. Sunday, after a wedding brunch, mom, dad, and I took one of those amphibious duckboat tours through the city and the river. The weather was beautiful and did I mention that I had NO KIDS!!!

Jack and I celebrate our 9th anniversary tomorrow. We have a nice dinner date planned, but our big celebration will be this weekend as we relax in Highlands, NC again WITH NO KIDS!!! I'm starting to see a trend here! :)

Finally, here are some pictures of Max at the local pumpkin patch from a few weekends ago while Kinsey was at Nanny and Papa's house.

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