Oct 17, 2008

Doo Wop

Today was the 50th day of the school year and Kinsey's school recognizes it by celebrating with "50's Day." Complete with coke floats and poodle skirts, it was a day of excitement. Although Kinsey was sorely disappointed that I did not go out last night at 8:00 after my conferences were over and find her a poodle skirt, she still looked precious in her outfit.

Max was in the background yelling "chee" with his goofy little grin, so I had to include a picture of him as well. Notice his Bulldog jersey. I hesitate to let him wear this to school anymore because he seems to assume the role and tackle his friends or headbutt the wall when he does. They've requested a helmet for next Friday!

Tomorrow is UGA Homecoming againt Vandy. Jack and I are excited to spend the day with friends Melissa and Alan while the children stay home with a sitter they really enjoy. If the weather stays nice, we're hoping for another trip to the pumpkin patch and corn maze tomorrow night. Hopefully, I'll have more pictures after the weekend.


Ame Gibbs said...

Hey! I just love keeping up with your family on this blog. I get so excited when I see a new post! Kinsey was adorable as a 50's girl!Yall have fun at the game today!

Laura said...

KiKi looks precious! Have fun at the game! Go Dawgs!