Jan 1, 2011

New Year, New...CAMERA?!?

So I'm not claiming blogger fail, but I am most certainly blaming my lack of posts and decent pictures on camera fail. I can't pinpoint when, but really ever since (maybe even before) Disney, there has been something wrong with my camera and things have only gotten worse.

Last night, we had a wonderful New Year celebration. They say whatever you are doing on New Years is a reflection of what lies ahead. If that's the case, then I expect great things out of 2011. Jack and I got a sitter for a few hours so we could spend some peaceful moments listening to some bluegrass music at a local brewery. Later in the evening, we picked the kids up, grabbed some Wii games and headed to Teresa's house for a grand gathering of friends and their families. We had a blast eating, hanging by the fire and playing games. The weather was so nice we set up the TV and Wii out on the patio. Everyone had fun playing Rock Band, Pictionary and Just Dance.

We all rang in the New Year counting down and watching the ball drop. Poor Max put up a brave fight but gave up at about 11:30!

On New Years, Jack and I spent a great day with the kids, and especially enjoyed going to the movies to see Tangled. Daddy doesn't get to go to the movies a lot with us. This was a really good one!

Happy New Year Everyone!

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