Jan 4, 2009

Rewind...Christmas Eve

So, with all the hustle and bustle of Christmas Eve and New Year, I am just now able to organize my pictures from the last couple of weeks. I know, I know.

We had a very nice Christmas Eve with Jack's parents coming over to our house and having dinner and exchanging gifts. The kids had a wonderful time with their Nan and Granddaddy and one of the big hits of the evening was Max's karaoke box.

After the madness, the kids had a bath, set out the milk and cookies, and settled down for the reading of the stories by the fire. This is one of my fav Christmas pictures.

Christmas morning was lovely. No, really, it was. Kinsey was so full of magic this year as she bound down the stairs to see if Santa had come. Her big suprise was that Santa delivered with the tiny, two dollar, elephant toy (thanks Randy at Rainforest Cafe) that she lost in the Atlantic Ocean in June. Every Santa that we visited, this is what she asked for. She really enjoyed her Breyer horses and barn and Max seemed excited about his train set. However, by the end of the day, the trains were a-flyin!

The next day was Putman Family Christmas at Lake Keowee. What a crowd with Nanny, Papadad, Granny, Laura, Paul, Thomas, and Juju (not to mention three dogs)! Everyone had a wonderful time. Max loved his keyboard and was compared to Elton John on more than one occasion as he carried around Kinsey's pink sparkly purse. I swear that boy DOES love music! One of my favorite gifts were the bear and bunny hat/mitten/boot set that my parents got them.

We were able to get a couple of shots (popsicles as bribery) of all three cousins in front of the tree.

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