Sep 2, 2008

Labor Day Fun

Our holiday weekend started with a bang filled with college football and continued as we headed with the Griners to my parents' empty home on beautiful Lake Keowee. After a very, very late night dinner at the neighborhood lakefront restaurant (with a yummy dessert called a Pecan Pie-tini), we hit the water hard Sunday morning. Boat rides, playing in the sand and pestering my parent's dog Annie topped the kids' list of fun things to do. My weekend took a 180 degree turn when the previously mentioned stomach bug found its way to me Sunday night, along with previously mentioned walking pneumonia after-effects on 4 year old. Not. Fun. At. All.

Regardless, you can't beat a beautiful, peaceful lake, great friends, good food, and precious children. Can peaceful and children really go in the same sentence??? Naahhh! :)

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