Apr 9, 2008

Play Date with Nan

Yesterday, Kinsey's Nan picked her up from school as she usually does on Tuesdays. This day was different, though. This was the first Tuesday since Pop-Pop died that she had school and a visit to him was on their list of things to do every Tuesday. So, as expected, Kinsey asked if they could go visit him and promised she would be good (sometimes she gets a little silly there I hear). Anyway, Nan was a little nervous about having to explain where Pop was and driving passed his home, but Kinsey has a way of making the situation a little better. When Nan told she was sorry, but Pop was no longer there, Kinsey said "Where is he Nan? Did he go to PRISON?" She was very serious about his whereabouts! She explained that he was NOT in prison, but in fact living in Heaven with Jesus, and Kinsey seemed satisfied with that response. Don't ask me where she learned about prison...it's not like it's a hot topic in our house or anything?!?

Anyway, here are a few shots of their trip to the playground after their lunch date at their "Secret Place" that she thinks I don't know about!

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