Apr 19, 2008

Fun Relay Day

After a long week of standardized testing at my school, our Relay for Life team along with Jr. Beta Club kids helped sponsor a Relay Day, with other local businesses and churches. Snow cones, bounce houses, pony rides and face painting was enough to get the Patrick clan involved! So Max enjoyed his first try at being a cowboy on cousin Amanda's sweet little Shetland pony named Dusty. And Kinsey's highlight was pretending she was thirteen hanging out with a bunch of my precious students.

In other news this week, completed our second week of Work Out Warriors Boot Camp. We go to an hour of intense exercise from 5:30 to 6:30, me on Monday-Wednesday-Friday, and Jack on Teusday-Thursday. So far, I've been pretty please with my results and plan to continue through May. No immediate plans for a triathalon just yet, though. We also went to the UGA Great Southland Stampede Rodeo Thursday night. Forunately, we took two cars, because Max only lasted 45 minutes since it didn't start until 8:00. Im looking forward to Ladies Night tonight when I'm taking Kinsey back while the boys stay home. Hopefully, I will have some pictures to post tomorrow.

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