Mar 22, 2008

Twas the Day Before Easter...

...and all through the Vineyards...We just got back from a very busy day at Nanny and Papadad's house. Their neighborhood had big plans for their Easter celebrations. It started at the horse barn with a "meet and greet" the barnyard animals including baby chicks, bunnies, goats, and ponies, followed by an Easter egg hunt and pony rides. Kinsey got to ride Scout the paint for a second time. Then it was off to the firehouse for lunch, rides around the neighborhood in the trucks and even a "jaws of life" demonstration out back. Kinsey favorite part was honking the air horn during the ENTIRE truck ride. I don't think Max is going to be a firefighter when he grows up, though. He screamed his head off the whole ride. He may have a future in lug nut changing!

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