Feb 25, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

Sunday, February 24, 2008 And it really was just that. It also doesn't hurt that we had FRONT ROW tickets. Due to a good friend's mistake, we were able to go to the Ringling Brothers circus in Atlanta on Sunday. Center ring, front row--you could notbeat it! We had five tickets, so we traded Baby Max for the Griner boys (since we couldn't fit all those carseats in one car) and hit the road with three 3-year-olds. You might think this was crazy, but they were all so excited that they behaved like perfect little angels. I'm sure it helped that there were plenty of threats from both sets of parents! The kids dined on sno-cones, popcorn and cotton candy (I know, parents of the year awards are on their way) and enjoyed the poodle act the most. Jack's and my fav were the tigers and the elephants, although those two acts made us a little nervous that close up. Afterwards, the starving children requested chips and dip (AKA--the parents needed a margarita) so we let the evening linger on into supper.

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