Jun 28, 2010

Tubin' the Hooch

Friday night while Kinsey and I were at this birthday party (a pool party that unfortunately was during a huge hail and lightning storm...)

...we made plans to go up to Helen the next day with our good friends and neighbors, the Lills. So the next day, we packed a picnic lunch and headed up to the mountains. Now, as a Carolina Girl, I spent many summers white water rafting, but these Georgia folks always talk about going TUBING. Knee-deep, slower moving water, just relaxing and trying to keep from getting stuck on the rocks. We decided to try out this place,

which had a huge water park that you could play after you finish your tubing trip. The 2 hour float down the river was wonderfully fun-filled (not so much relaxing, as we were constantly chasing K and M and their runaway tubes) and then we closed down the water park sliding and swimming until dark. After the sun went down, we found a cool little tavern with a patio and enjoyed burgers, drinks and music until the kids all passed out and we drove back home. Fun little day trip!

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