Jun 7, 2010

Myrtle Beach: Episode 4--The End

After most cousins and kids left, we had a couple of quiter night left to enjoy. The last night with Nanny and Papadad there, we all went out for a yummy dinner at a local oyster bar and then went to play some pirate putt-putt.

The last day, we simply relaxed on the beach and took long naps in the afternoon. We had a fried chicken picnic with my aunts and uncles. I'd promised the kids an evening at the seaside fair and the three of us made some great memories riding the rides and playing games.

Bumper Car Rides

The Tilt-a-Hurl

On the giant Ferris Wheel

On the boardwalk

Riding the Speedy Gonzales Roller Coaster

I love and treasure this little family tradition of ours. My Aunt Joie and Uncle Neal are so kind to open up there house to all the mayhem and madness of our family. It is wonderful to see my cousins who I grew up so close to and to get to know their adult families. Runs together on the beach, a night out every now and then, bike rides to the strip, etc.

Unfortunately, our family beach week also interferes with Jack's annual mountain family reunion. This year, he decided to go up and see his folks without us. We were all very excited to get back home and see each other and settle into our new, but short, summer schedule.

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