Jul 16, 2009

Fine Arts Fun Day

So maybe we didn't have the next Claude Monet or Jim Henson on our hands today, but we still had an awesome experience, nonetheless! Today, while Max visited his favorite babysitter, Kinsey and I went on a learning adventure to Atlanta with the Griner crew. Our second visit to the Puppetry Center was a hand-puppet show of The Emperor's New Clothes, featuring an all-animal cast of puppets. The kids laughed a lot and had a great time making the pig emperor puppet at the create-a-puppet workshop afterwards.

We left the CPA and headed to the Atlanta High Museum of Art.

The High had a special Claude Monet exhibit that we took the kids through first and they did rather well with it. They loved posing with the live water lilies after our tour.

The kid activity of the day at the museum was "sun prints" which involved special sunlight reactive photopaper that they got to "develop" in a "chemical bath" after they'd designed the picture. Really cool stuff.

Finally, our little Picassos had their turn at creating some still art that they all proudly put on display.

Did I mention, who can have a civilized day of art appreciation without a little trip to the Varsity?!? ;)

In other news, my touchpad on my laptop is busted, Max removed the spacebar and now the "W" key is almost useless, so I guess I'm going to have to start using the thesaurus a little more to come up with some "w-less" words. Should be interesting!!!


JTP said...

so fun...did you know you can buy that photreactive apaper...I use teachersource.com- they have tons of cool, cheap fun, science-y type things...for home or your classroom :-)

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Jennifer! I was JUST getting ready to google it this morning! And I read your blog yesterday--I am so excited about the birthday. Enjoy the week planning and preparing. It's a big day! Tell "Baby" William happy early b-day!