Apr 3, 2015

Kids say...

Morning car rides to school provide some of the funniest conversations sometimes.

One day last week, Kinsey was talking about what kind of things colleges look for in applications.  We discussed the importance of both grades and extracurricular activities.  She then went on to say "Mom, I hope you're not going to be disappointed, but I am NOT going to UGA."  I wasn't really worried about her picking a college in 5th grade, but Max was appalled.  He said "Kinsey, you DO know that UGA has a BUFFET, right?!?"  She was shocked and asked if that was true or if he was lying.  I grinned and told her that UGA did in fact have a buffet and that it was quite tasty, to which her reply was "Do any OTHER colleges have buffets mom?!?"

Another morning, Max was talking about the chicks that were hatching in his classroom  Here's how this went:

M:  Mom, do the eggs we eat come from chicken eggs?
Me:  Actually, yes, they are one and the same Max.
M:  Whoa!  You mean we eat BABY chickens when we eat eggs???
K:  NO MAX!  A boy chicken has to come sit on the egg to turn it into a baby!!!

(Guess a little talk is in order soon!)

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