Apr 18, 2011


Apparently, my kids think they are old enough to be left home alone. This afternoon, I had planned to go on a run once Jack got home from work. I told the kids of my plans. At 5:15, Jack came in the door and they were so involved in the movie they were watching, they didn't notice his arrival. So Jack and I schemed a little. He decided he would stay (hidden) in the kitchen and see how long it would take them to notice he was home. I went into the den and told them I was going to go ahead and leave and asked them if they felt comfortable staying alone for just a few minutes until Daddy got home. They assured me they were fine. I reminded Kinsey to call Jack's cell or go next door if she needed anything and she said OK. I asked them one more time if they were OK to stay alone and they said they were! So I left! Turns out, 10 minutes into their "alone time", Max asked Kinsey when Daddy was coming home and she told him, "Not yet, he'll be home at 6:00!" Max decided he'd go check the back door and after he ran right past Jack, he turned around and saw him and they realized he'd been home all along. Good to know they THINK they're big, huh?!? ;)

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