Feb 14, 2010

Children's Museum of the Lowcountry

For winterbreak, the kids and I hit the road a bit before Jack and headed down to Mt Pleasant/Charleston area for the long weekend. It has been a while since we've seen Nanny and Papadad and the first time we've seen Nanny or that she's traveled since her surgery a few weeks ago. Boy, was she a trooper. She didn't slow down one little bit.

Day one we decided to hit the CML for the morning. What a cute place. Max loved the golf ball room and paint-a-train while Kinsey loved the pirate ship and the craft room. She even custom designed a pair of pants for her soon-to-be new cousin, Davis. I can't WAIT to see them on him. They should be very easy to change his diaper, too, as the pants have no inseam at all. Cute! MY personal favorite was the medieval castle room with the secret passageways and the dress up clothes.

Fun, nautical-themed dinner on Shem Creek and then, guess what?!? Snow began falling for the first time in 21 YEARS!!!

Would it last???

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