Oct 21, 2009

The Big Stuff

Lately, work has been a bit stressful and overwhelming. Hopefully, things will start to balance out and return to normal, but this year has definitely had its unexpected bumps. This morning at 6 AM was the peak of the Orionids meteor shower, which is a result of Haley's Comet being close enough to Earth for our gravity to pull some of the debris from it's tail into our atmosphere causing a beautiful light show! I was so excited to get to run this morning's run (the next-to-last run of our training program) down a dark, flat country road and get to witness several meteors. Even better, though, was coming home, getting Kinsey ready for school and getting a blanket and bundling up on the front porch and sharing the last few shooting stars with her as she stared in wonder. After she saw the first one, she asked if she could make a wish and when I told her she could, she said "I wish I could reach up there and grab a star." THAT is the big stuff that counts.

1 comment:

JTP said...
