May 20, 2006

Easter Weekend

April 17, 2006
Well, we were just starting to recooperate from our spring break trip and it was time for a big Easter weekend. Now that Kinsey is more into everything, we had a much busier weekend planned. On Saturday, we decided to brave 3 Easter egg hunts--our first with our "new" church, Briarwood Baptist, followed by our old faithful Oconee Womens' Club Easter egg hunt. This was the one Kinsey had her first appearance in the newspaper last year! I think they say that there were over 4000 kids there "hunting" over 50,000 eggs. I intentionally put hunting in quotes because it is not a hunt by any stretch of the imagination. The have these quarter-acre plots roped off and have tossed in thousands of eggs and hundreds of kids line up around the square and when they blow the whistle, the madness begins. Boy, you have never seen such competitive parents. Supposedly, there were eggs with golden tickets in them, but of course we never got one. Just several dozen eggs filled with some junky plastic toy. Just what we needed! Then we went to a neighborhood hunt to finish the day.

On Sunday, we had a lovely lunch and Jack's parents' house and late that afternoon, we went with our great friends Mary and Chris and their twin boys to the State Botanical Gardens for a photo shoot. After chasing my class bunny, Pepper, around the garden, trying catching flying baby chicks, and several hundred pictures later, we all drug ourselves home in utter exhaustion! What a weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
